June 22nd 2012

hi bloggiiee! miss you so much! Do you know how much i miss you? (you must be confused why i act like this!) Do you want to know why i can really miss you blog? because in the last time i always posting something that use the higher language literary (sok puitis) ! wakakaka *evil laugh* fhyuuh.(back to my mother tongue!)  sumpah kangen banget nulis bebas kayak gini. nulis yang bener-bener bebas, tanpa harus mikirin sambungan kata, diksi atau apalah itu namanya! hehe. intinya sekarang mau curhat besar-besaran nih! (ga besar-besar amatsih!) Okeee chek it out !

Firstly, gue mau nyeritain kenapa akhir akhir ini gue sering nulis posting blog yang rada puitis! Gini.. pasti kalian ingetkan setiap gue nulis posting (curhat) di blog gue suka bilang kalo gue pengen banget bisa nulis dengan gaya bahasa yang tinggi! Dan akhirnyaaaa sampe sekarangpun BELUM KESAMPEAN! Gue cuma baru bisa nulis dengan gaya bahasa yang ecek-ecek. rasanya susaaaah banget mau nulis / nyeritain sesuatu pake bahasa yang WAH! But i just try it right now!

(try to use my foreign language!)

Secondly, today i got my report book ~ yeeey! and my rank more lower 1 point than the last semester!  But alhamdulillah i got the higer score than the last semester hohoho. I really didn't think if I can get 90 in Chemist ! because of  I was so stupid in this lesson, I really can't realized it!! poor me! But, Thank You so much for my chemist teacher! I Love You So Much! *big hug*

Thirdly,  I really wanna tell you about my love life.... This point is soooo sensitive!!! do you know i just got a heartache! huhu poor me ! That's because my lovely boy (he's my senior on my school) has passed away on this year! aarrgh! i'm feeling so stupid! Why until his last time i can't say that i love him. huh! i hate this time. i hate when i just can regret my self when he was gone!!! oke! stop it zahara! stop to blaming your self to much! see you my lovely boy ~~~

Fourthly, huh! i really hate this, but i really want to be a winner on thesis competition! aaaaaaaa.! ok! in this holiday i must quickly complete our (nico, tahara and i ) thesis. The thesis talk about "the early educational to make people love tropical fruit.". When i saw this topic i think "it's so easy!" But.... after i've started doing this thesis... OMG! I'm so confused. where i must started from. it's not as easy as it looks!

Finally , I'm so tired about all of this . like my report score,studying on holiday *oh no!*, can't enjoy my holiday, meet an egoist person and many more! ok then now i'm feeling tired and  i think for today is enough story to share with you my lovely bloggie ! see you . i wanna get a break right now ~ bye !

your lovely blog writer

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